cannot but do 意味

発音を聞く:   cannot but doの例文
  • ~せずにはおれない、~するのは仕方{しかた}ない
    He could not but dance for joy. 彼は喜びのあまり踊りださずにはいられなかった。



  1. "cannot blame" 意味
  2. "cannot boil an egg" 意味
  3. "cannot bring a reply to satisfy someone" 意味
  4. "cannot bring oneself to" 意味
  5. "cannot bring oneself to die" 意味
  6. "cannot but laugh" 意味
  7. "cannot buy" 意味
  8. "cannot buy the experience of having seen" 意味
  9. "cannot bypass the alleged abduction issue" 意味
  10. "cannot bring oneself to" 意味
  11. "cannot bring oneself to die" 意味
  12. "cannot but laugh" 意味
  13. "cannot buy" 意味

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