- ~せずにはおれない、~するのは仕方{しかた}ない
He could not but dance for joy. 彼は喜びのあまり踊りださずにはいられなかった。
cannot but do 意味
- "cannot blame" 意味
- "cannot boil an egg" 意味
- "cannot bring a reply to satisfy someone" 意味
- "cannot bring oneself to" 意味
- "cannot bring oneself to die" 意味
- "cannot but laugh" 意味
- "cannot buy" 意味
- "cannot buy the experience of having seen" 意味
- "cannot bypass the alleged abduction issue" 意味
- "cannot bring oneself to" 意味
- "cannot bring oneself to die" 意味
- "cannot but laugh" 意味
- "cannot buy" 意味